Lundi 9 octobre 2000 |
James TOWNSEND (directeur du Programme
sur la modélisation
cognitive à l'Université d'Indiana et actuellement
Fellow au Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg à Delmenhorst en Allemagne)
Abstract :
General recognition theory was developed from multi-dimensional
signal detection theory by Ashby & Townsend to provide a rigorous
theory and related methodology that could assess decisional and
perceptual separability, and perceptual independence within a uniform
It is being used in many fields to study relationships among psychological dimensions
and features. In this talk, I introduce the basic foundations in a logical but
relatively non-technical fashion and indicate how one employs the fundamental
lundi 22 janvier 2001 |
Yves Guiard (Directeur de recherche CNRS, UMR "Mouvement
et Perception")
Peter Pan et Peter Zoom: Pointage et loi de Fitts dans les
mondes électroniques
multi-échelles |
Résumé :
Dans le monde réel, nos mouvements
sont des événements dynamiques
qui impliquent de la matière et de l'énergie. Dans les mondes électroniques
synthétisés par les ordinateurs, en revanche, nos mouvements échappent
dans une large mesure aux contraintes de la dynamique. Dans un atlas géographique,
par exemple, il n'y a pas de limite supérieure à la vitesse de
notre locomotion virtuelle (le mouvement d'une vue dans un atlas virtuel peut
fort bien excéder la vitesse de la lumière). Nous discuterons du
statut de la dimension d'échelle- par opposition à une dimension
spatiale- et nous rapporterons les résultats d'une expérience sur
la loi de Fitts dans laquelle les sujets, équipés d'un zoom, ont
dû pointer sur des cibles extrêmement difficiles en combinant des
déplacements spatiaux (pans) et de changements d'échelle (zooms).
Les données montrent que dès lors que l'échelle de l'interaction
devient une variable libre (une possibilité spécifique aux mondes
d'information, qui sont des mondes purement cinématiques, sans masse),
il n'y a plus, en principe, de limite supérieure au pouvoir différenciateur
de nos mouvements : D désignant la distance à couvrir pour atteindre
une cible de diamètre W, n'importe quel rapport D/W devient maîtrisable
(nous avons exploré jusqu'à 109 dans notre étude, bien au
delà du rapport maximal D/W = 500 de la littérature). En second
lieu, nous montrons que la loi de Fitts, qui lie le temps de mouvement (TM) au
rapport D/W, se généralise à n'importe quelle valeur de
ce rapport, tout en se simplifiant : nos données suggèrent la loi
TM = k.log2 (D/W).
13 mars 2001 |
Dr. Almut Engelien (Department of Psychiatry, New York Presbyterian
Hospital) Approaches to human auditory cortical function: From
neuropsychology to neuroimaging
Abstract :
The understanding of human auditory cortical function can be approached
from different perspectives - psychological functions embedded
in the frameworks of perception and cognition such as comprehending
spoken speech, psychophysical discrimination thresholds and the
physiology of the cortical areas, which may be studied in analogy
to the animal literature. Brain-behavior relationships for complex
perceptual and cognitive auditory functions have traditionally
been studied in the field of neuropsychology, in which deficits
have been delineated in neurological patients suffering from circumscribed
brain lesions.
Typical patients suffering from disorders such as auditory agnosia or cortical
deafness will be described. With modern non-invasive functional imaging techniques,
most notably PET, fMRI, and MEG, auditory cortical functional anatomy can now
be studied in healthy human subjects in vivo.
Results of such studies will be described, with particular emphasis on the processing
of complex non-verbal sounds such as musical tones and environmental sounds.
Recent technological developments will be described. |
jeudi 29 et vendredi 30 mars 2001 |
atelier "Magnétoencéphalographie
et audition"
le programme
C'est une série de présentations sur la psychoacoustique
donnée par des membres du département de Psychologie à l'Université d'Essex
en Angleterre.
mercredi 18 avril 2001 |
Vit Drga Basilar membrane nonlinearity in normal hearing and
hearing-impaired listeners
Abstract :
The ear acts like a spectrum analyzer, mapping sounds of different
frequencies to different locations in the cochlea; hair cells at
a given location along the basilar membrane (BM) respond maximally
to tones of a characteristic frequency. The encoding of sound level
depends on the level of BM vibration. The BM in normal hearing
is markedly non-linear. It seems that normal hearing depends on
BM non-linearity whereas some types of sensorineural hearing loss,
e.g. loudness recruitment, are associated with loss of non-linear
function. A project is underway at the University of Essex to measure
BM non-linearity which will help refine models of hearing function
in both normal hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Techniques
for estimating BM compression utilizing forward masking will be
described and results illustrating the effects of compression will
be given.
Deborah Fantin Comodulation masking release and forward masking |
Abstract :
Comodulation Masking Release (CMR) is a phenomenon where the detection
of a
masked signal is improved by the addition of other sounds, provided that the
added sounds have the same emplitude envelope fluctuations over time as the original
masker. Typically benefit to detection is observed when the maskers are co-modulated,
that is, have the same amplitude fluctuations over time, across frequency. The
present work tests hypotheses regarding the role of forward-masking type cues
in CMR paradigms using pure tones presented with a sinusoidally amplitude modulated
(SAM) pure-tone masker.
Specifically, brief signal tones were presented in the amplitude minima of the
envelope of an on-frequency SAM masker. With this method of presentation, the
primary form of masking is non-simultaneous, as the signal is masked by preceding
(forward masking) and following (backward masking) amplitude envelope peaks.
It is possible that the addition of a comodulated flanker may provide a release
from non-simultaneous masking by a) cueing the listener as to the ideal time
to listen for the signal, or b) suppressing the masker. In a series of experiments,
it was found that there was a release from masking with comodulated flankers
that is consistent with a cueing or confusion explanation for CMR. There was
a greater release from masking with ipsilateral than contralateral flankers,
providing some evidence for a role of suppression. Furthermore, when a single
flanking tone is used, the pattern of masking release observed with an ipsilateral
flanker varies with flanker tone frequency in a manner consistent with suppression
effects. When compared to unmodulated control conditions, there is greater release
from masking with comodulated than with unmodulated stimuli. This result indicates
that there is an additional benefit of modulation per se.
Christopher Plack Auditory mechanisms underlying the perception
of pitch |
Abstract :
Complex tones are sounds with repetitive waveforms that consist
of a number of harmonic frequency components. These tones are often
associated with a distinct pitch that usually corresponds to the
repetition rate (or fundamental frequency, F0). The first ten harmonics
of a complex tone (approximately) can be separated out by the cochlea
and are said to be "resolved". Higher harmonics interact
in the cochlea to produce a composite waveform that repeats at
the repetition rate of the complex. In the past, pattern recognition
models assumed that pitch is derived from the patterning of the
resolved harmonics, whereas temporal models assumed that pitch
is derived from the interacting unresolved harmonics. Recently,
however, "single mechanism" accounts of pitch perception
have become popular. These models combine the information from
the resolved and unresolved harmonics, often by utilising the auto-correlation
function (ACF). In this presentation it will be argued that there
are differences in the processing of resolved and unresolved harmonics,
particularly with respect to the time constant(s) of the pitch
mechanism(s), that suggest that a single mechanism account may
not be viable.
lundi 16 juillet 2001 |
Conjointement avec le séminaire du Laboratoire de psychologie
Elyse Sussman 1 & István Winkler 2 Effects
of predictability and unpredictability on the processing of sound
1 Department of Otolaryngology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, USA
/ 2 Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Abstract :
Sound change is an important cue for the auditory system, often
providing new information. Sensory changes that are predictable
to a given brain process, however, carry no new information for
that process. We will discuss two experiments that show effects
of predictability on the processing of sound changes. In one case,
predictability results from stimulus driven characteristics of
the sound sequence (bottom up) and in the other the predictability
results from knowing in advance when a sound change will occur
(top down). The results showed that predictability affected sound
changes at different levels of cognitive processing. |